April 25, 2024

Is WordPress a Suitable Content Management Systems Tool

The internal functions of WordPress provide outstanding support for a Content Management System (CMS). The features of WordPress enable authors and site managers to perform their magic without having any expertise in PHP, HTML, or any other website programming language.

Content Management System Defined

The typical content management system consists of two primary elements: CMA and CDA. Content Management Application (CMA) enables an author to create, modify, and/or remove web content. The Contentment Delivery Application (CDA) acts as the information compiler. Though the methods of application may vary, every quality content management system must include the following features:

  • Web-based content publishing
  • Article revision controls
  • Content indexing
  • In-depth search methods
  • Content layout and formatting management
  • Information retrieval features.

WordPress as an Efficient CMS Tool

By collecting the right plugins, and then making a few basic template modifications, WordPress can meet and exceed every important component of a successful content management system. Indeed, many small, public libraries have already incorporated a CMS that functions via WordPress.

Keys To Implementation

Post Editor

It is in the WordPress administrative section that WordPress shines as a source for CMS power. The post editor provides for WYSIWYG input. This is what enables an author to add, edit, or modify his or her own content. It takes place through the web browser, and it requires absolutely no knowledge of programming. Yet it is not limited to non-programmers. With a single click of the “code view” button, the advanced user has full access to HTML editing features.

Yet by itself, the post editor is insufficient for CMS. You need a little more power.

Template Modifications

Providing different WordPress pages, or sets of pages, with different templates can be a key approach to implementing a CMS through WordPress. Unfortunately, template modification may involve some degree of PHP programming skills. But rest easy – several WordPress plugins help resolve this issue. Get help at: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-logic/.


Plugins establish the core power of WordPress. When seeking to create a powerful WordPress-based CMS, search out the following tools and information sites:

  • OpenBook Book Data plugin: Draws information from the Open Library project
  • Blogroll Links plugin: Helps with content organization by working in conjunction with the WordPress Link Categories features
  • How to Set Up Custom WordPress Category Templates in Four Easy Steps: In-depth help from the home of MattMedia.
  • Creating Your Own Page Templates: Direct page layout help from the WordPress gurus.


If you apply the appropriate research, you can find a plugin that handles most any project, CMS included.

Britney Baker normally writes feature articles for carinsurancecompanies.org.

8 thoughts on “Is WordPress a Suitable Content Management Systems Tool

  1. Personally, WordPress is the only way to go. I love it – mainly because of the 100’s of devoted fans who continue to make it better and more nimble by making better plugins and themes.
    Great post.

  2. hey I know word press so ,much important to prepare blog, I know we all are dependant on the word press, I feel the development of word press will definitely will help in the betterment of blog and it will really help the blog owners as well.

  3. Yeap, I agree with the post . This is really very informative to know on maintain blog and brand it. It really helps the new blogger to know what are the inputs and the necessaries required for this purpose. I Just love the way they have tried to explain the blog building.

  4. I did not know much of Content Management Systems Tool and CMS tool. But I still think WordPress is the best blogging platform for me. It is because it is much easier to understand and the plug-in are very helpful too. Thanks for the insights of wordpress as an important as Content Management Systems Tool and CMS tool.

  5. I don’t have much programming skills and I am grateful for having wordpress in aiding with my online business. I love wordpress plug-ins. I like the way I can add plug-ins to improve the quality of my site and contents. Thank you for sharing this useful info.

  6. I used to stick to Joomla before I got into blogging. It was fine but nothing beats WordPress, IMO. Another great thing about WP is the wide variety of plugins and themes available.

  7. Word press has a very large number of users so based on its popularity it is definitely one of the best if not the best. It has a wide range which ensures that there is everything for different tastes.

  8. WordPress is user friendly. The availability of free plugins is excellent.
    Liked your post, thanks.

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