September 11, 2024

Blogcast: Active Directory Schema Classes & Attributes: Additional Account Info Tab

We aren’t running a 2003 domain yet, but this is very interesting once we get there.

The Windows 2003 Server Resource Kit has a .dll that will add a new tab to all your user accounts. The tab is called “Additional Account info” and has a few interesting items. The Active Directory schema is not something one should play around with, but adding the Microsoft acctinfo.dll will give you the added tab without problems. The schema is basicly made up of classes and attributes. Classes are like containers, such as a user account. Attributes are the fields in the properties of the user account. You can create new classes and atrtributes based on your organizations needs, but I would leave that to a developer. There are a ton of attributes already available to you by default in the schema, you just need someone to write some code to make them visible. Watch the Blogcast to get a <U>very</U> basic look at the classes and attributes in the schema. You will also see how to add the acctinfo.dll to the registry and what that new tab does. If you do not want to download and install the Windows 2003 Resource kit to get the .dll, you can download it here.

Maybe the resident myITforum MVP’s Dan Thomson or Ron Crumbaker would be interested in showing us how to write the code so we can add some other attributes. I think it would be interesting to learn how to do it.

[Via myITForum Blogs]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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