January 20, 2025

Exchange 2003 backups

Bryan?came to my Technet evening on the 22nd and? mailed me with quick question regarding backing up Exchange 2003.?

He uses Veritas for backup on all of his client sites and has the option to back up the mailboxes individually or the Information Store. He reckons that?all they need to do is backup the information store as Exchange will keep any deleted mailboxes for 30 days anyway and also asked if he could just get an individual mailbox out of the backed up information store like I demonstrated at the TechNet presentation. However his colleague seems to think/argue that they need to backup each mailbox individually.

I’ve covered backups in detail in a previous post?so won’t repeat myself again.? However, brick level backups are covered in the excellent article by Daniel?Petri and this article by the Exchange Team.? Suffice to say, the Recovery storage group and Exmerge?will ease your restore pain…



[Via Eileen Brown’s WebLog]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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