February 15, 2025

PostNuke 0.760 released

Looks like I now have something to do in the evenings in China, as long as the internet connection in the hotel still works.

The PostNuke team are pleased to announce the availablity of PostNuke, a major milestone realized on the road to 1.0. This release features significant enhacements to the .7x range of releases in addition to containing a significant number of modules taken directory from the .8x codebase.
If performing an upgrade please review manual.txt carefully. Many of the core system modules (blocks, modules etc.) are upgraded in this release so the process needs to be followed carefully.

Download: http://news.postnuke.com/Downloads-req-viewdownload-cid-1.html
Support: http://forums.postnuke.com

[Via PostNuke.com]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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2 thoughts on “PostNuke 0.760 released

  1. Hey there’s a problem with the blog with OPera the menu is buggy :/

    1. This post is 5 years old. Why would you decide to comment on this post about an issue with the site?
      Since I do have a contact form if you need to just pass on some information to me 🙂

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