February 5, 2025

A blogcast series on upgrading your organization from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003

What’s a blogcast? As Eileen Brown said it:

"It’s a mini Webcast, typically about 5 minutes long, and shows a visual demo of the technology. Audio is embedded along with the .WMP file and you can view this on demand over and over again. It differs from a podcast in as much as a podcast is audio only, and has enclosures that means that you can subscribe to a podcast feed to receive updated audio broadcasts when they are available. Blogcasts (cast out, from a blog, typically) show short targeted demos and they’re visual. Some have PowerPoint, some only show the interface…"

Eileen has been posting blogcasts in this series for a while now and this particular series is now complete. Here is what is covered:

[Via You Had Me At EHLO…]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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