Yep late again 🙂
The flight back seemed like it took SO much longer than the trip there. But we arrived safe and sound Tuesday about 4:30pm.
We both took Wednesday off, Thursday and Friday were a blur for me. Plus this weekend was our maintenance weekend so we had to patch all the servers. I work for 4 hours Saturday night.
The rest of our trip in China went pretty smooth. Since we weren’t doing the 2nd site because the network line wasn’t in yet. It gave us enough time to complete the 1st site without too many issues. We still worked between 4-16 hours each day we where in China.
Now I’m just waiting for the list of things that don’t work and find out when the line for the 2nd site will be installed and see if we can do that remotely!
The guys that went to Tianjin got to see the Great Wall and other very interesting things. It seems like Shanghai is much more modern and at least what we saw didn’t have a lot of the nice traditional Chinese buildings or sites. (Maybe we just didn’t have enough time to see them)