February 15, 2025

A late merry Christmas and a happy new year

I’ve been keeping offline this last week or so, enjoying extra time with the family. Grace really enjoyed her Christmas at home. I’ve had this entire week of so far and Melissa has worked, so Grace and I have been playing with her new toys. She’s growing up so fast and learning new things all the time. With a little help from us she is walking up and down the stairs, she’s also pulling herself on onto chairs,small tables, and other small things.

I got her blocks and crayons for Christmas, so far she just likes to dump the blocks out of the bag and put them back in 🙂

She’s also become a little helper. if she spills her drink she wants a napkin to clean it up and she also helps pickup her toys.

I need to pull the pictures off the camera then I’ll upload some to flickr and post one here.


[tags]grace, christmas[/tags]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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