February 5, 2025

What I have tried to make money online

I’ve tried many different paid services with this blog to make a little extra cash. I’ll give you my 2 cents on each of these. With most of these I’ve just signed up for the service added the wordpress plugin or code snippet and that’s it. Just went on my way blogging. This blog is not very heavy on pagerank and it doesn’t have a ton of visitors. But I get enough that I hope I’d get a little from each of these services to add up to enough to paid for my hosting. Only one service has brought money to the bank. Here’s my list.

  • Ask2Link – Signed up 9/2008 and haven’t made a dime. They have a wordpress plugin.
  • intellilinks – Recently signed up, nothing. They have a wordpress plugin.
  • linkworth – Currently no ads, but I have gotten paid by them and used to get a few ads a month from them. I would recommend linkworth, they have lots of different options for selling ads and a good website. They have a wordpress plugin.
  • linkXL – I currently have 1 ads running, but they have a $100 payout, so who knows if I’ll even get to cashout. They have a wordpress plugin.
  • PerformancingAds – i have $1.50 here, another 125×125 banner. They have a wordpress plugin
  • inlinks – By far the test I’ve used. Great support, lots of people buying links. I get a good check from they each month.They have a wordpress plugin.
  • ProjectWonderful – This site uses 125 x 125 banners selling at low cost but continues to rotate in new banners using an auction system. Its taken awhile to get enough but I just cashed out for the first time this weekend.
  • WidgetBucks – No worth your time, unless you think people are going to click on a rotating flash ad of items ‘related’ to your website and/or post.
  • bidvertiser – I have 5 cents with them right now. Its like google ads just not as good. 

If your looking to test any of these sites, I’d recommend linkworth,inlink , and ProjectWonderful.

Have you had good luck with any ad sites with a site that gets low but return traffic?

Let me know about it.



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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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7 thoughts on “What I have tried to make money online

  1. Pingback: Make Money Online » What I have tried to make money online
  2. What about google adwords? Didn’t you try this? I made quite a bit of money this way.

    1. less than 1% of bloggers can make a living at it and even less than that ‘get rich’ from it.
      I’m just looking to pay for my web hosting and maybe enough to enjoy a nice dinner from the profits each month.

  3. How about if I tell you that you can make 100k in 90 days or you’ll get a check for $3000 just for trying.There is no other deal online like this one.I was skeptical in the beginning but once I get in everything changed.In my first week I made $9740 and that is from home while I can takecare of my son.
    If I can do it so can you

  4. Thanks for the tips! I’ve used some of these, and even managed to make a monstrous $2 from Project Wonderful so far! (woo hoo!) But like the earlier comment said, I’m just curious to make enough money to pay the hosting fees and I’ll be fine…

    It’s just a hobby.

    Robs last blog post..December Sun #3 – Page 5A

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