February 5, 2025


Image via Wikipedia

Here’s the first trailer for KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic)

Not a fan of having to keep paying for a game, I do pay for my Xbox live Gold membership. But this game could get me to go back to PC gaming. Just not sure if I have the time.

I loved the first two KOTOR games, just wondering how it will translate to a MMO. I’ve never played a MMO before.

Enjoy the trailer.

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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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5 thoughts on “KOTOR MMO

  1. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure I won’t have the time. Too bad because KOTOR games were great – I loved them even though I’m not the biggest star wars fan.

  2. I loved KOTOR, but I hate MMOs (WoW literally made my friend flunk out of college and ruin his life). I don’t know where I stand on it. I’ll probably pass it.

    1. I haven’t had the time to play on xbox live which I pay for. No way I’m paying for a MMO right now.

  3. The SWTOR Beta has just started guys and people are beginning to leak images and other stuff, check out the latest SWTOR Beta Leaks. See you in-game folks! Really looking forward to this game, it’s going to be awesome!

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