January 20, 2025

Dave Ramsey the third time

A few weeks ago Melissa and I went and saw Dave Ramsey in Grand Rapids. This is the third time we have seen him live. But we haven’t read his books or went to FPU (Financial peace university). After the first time we started working on our budget and debt, in our own speed and own way. Well we have been able to pay off all but two debts (college and the RAV4) its taken way longer than it should have. So In April we will be attending FPU and kicking these last two debts to the curb. Then it will be on to baby step 3 🙂

Wish us look and I’ll update the site on our progress. We did a budget this month, but it wasn’t a REALLY tight one, we cut back but not a lot, maybe once we start the class we’ll see other ways to cut back. Right now it looks like it will be about 24 months before we have both debts paid off. I’ve been downloading Dave’s podcast and we listen to it during dinner. Why are we waiting until April to start? Well I have training this month for Sharepoint and its in Vegas. Melissa’s coming with me and we had this planned and paid for before we decided to go to see Dave Ramsey again.

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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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3 thoughts on “Dave Ramsey the third time

  1. Hi there,

    Dave Ramsey is not well known in Australia but I have read a bit about him in the blogoshere; in particular – his pay the smallest debt first theory. I won't go into what I thought about that when I read it – or how it has changed as I'm still not completely informed. I have been meaning to look into him and his philosophies in closer detail and haven't found the time. So, I wanted to say thanks for the podcast link 🙂

    Also, good luck and I'll be interested in reading how it goes. Have fun in Vegas!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Dave's a great speaker and his process works. Its not rocket science or math, its changing behaviors.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Dave's a great speaker and his process works. Its not rocket science or math, its changing behaviors.

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