February 5, 2025

Check out the rates

I don’t have any referral links in this post, I just want to let all my readers know about the great deals going on now!

Thursday night we where listen to the Dave Ramsey podcast, he said the mortgage interest rates were near %4, I had to check this out. So Friday I called a few local banks and was able to %4.125 on a 15 year fixed with just over $1000 closing cost. With this low of rate my mortgage payment is only going up about $75 over my current 30 year payment!!

So if your thinking about a refi now is the time to make the call. Just my opinion, but I would try smaller local banks and credit unions first over the huge banks and mortgage companies. Good luck and let me know if you get a good deal.


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Image by woodleywonderworks via Flickr

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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