February 15, 2025

Dropped Disqus now commentluv and dofollow

I’d been talking about it for a while now and last night I finally did it, I got rid of Disqus. I felt it wasn’t adding enough additional value to the site. My readers were not using the twitter and facebook integration so why keep it. I know commentluv is a popular feature commenter’s enjoy so I added it back. I’m also trying backtype’s plugin to pull twitter,facebook, and friendfeed.

I also had a few people contact me and tell me they didn’t leave a comment because they didn’t want to register for disqus just to leave a comment. So now they don’t have to. I hope this increases good comments, not spammy comments 🙂


I also removed a few other items from the sidebar to help increase the site load times.

As an added benefit for readers that continue to support the site and return visits and comments. I have a top commenter’s widget that is dofollow as well as once you leave a few comments your links will be dofollow.


Hope you enjoy the changes and I’m always looking for any feedback you have. We have have guest posting setup for this site so if you want to increase exposure for yourself you can create a post here and use the bio section to link to your site.


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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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19 thoughts on “Dropped Disqus now commentluv and dofollow

  1. Yes I drop Disqus also because I was getting very few comments and I started to use Comluc and Now My comments are starting to come in! I am very glad to get comments now, so I can communicate with my readers more!

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Dropped Disqus now commentluv and dofollow
  3. Nice one and doesn’t it make you blog look really cool 😉 Never really been a big fan of Disqus ..

  4. Didn’t realise that Disqus required you to register to comment. I’m not keen on any third-party commenting system to be honest, but any blog that requires you to register is either really big or really misguided 🙂

    1. I did find an option in disqus to allow comments without registering, but then what’s the point of the third party comemnts. I started using them so people could log in with their facebook and twitter accounts and easily post to those. But VERY few people did.
      So I dropped it.
      Now I’m just giving out commentluv 🙂

  5. Hey Josh, I feel that you have made a wise decision concerning CommentLuv. The top commentator widget is nice also, and let’s not forget DoFollow! Give it a month and I bet you’ll see an improvement in the number of comments and traffic. On my Blogger blog I have the CommentLuv plugin from Intense Debate. I’ve seen a nice increase in comments since I ditched the default commenting system on Blogger. That one required a sign in also, and some people find it annoying. Keep up the good work around here.

    1. I agree about Blogger’s comment system. I pretty much don’t comment on Blogger sites because its SO bad.
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope to see you here often.
      The names Jason by the way 🙂
      Hope your having a great 4th of July weekend!

  6. In a matter of weeks I’ve come across different blogs ditching Disqus! I hope the guys at Disqus are listening because the people are talking!

    I installed it sometime last year but never used it because I discovered it was interfering somehow with the theme I was using then. Even after that whenever I come across blogs using it I simply bypass the registeration process though I already have an account. I prefer commenting as anonymous.

    Commentluv and top commentators plugins are simply powerful if you desire a more interactive blog. You’ve just made a good choice!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      The disqus features were nice, but they were not adding value to my site and had to go. I hope to trim some more fat from the site this weekend to increase the site optimization.

  7. Wise decision Jason for commentluv, dofollow and top commentators

    re: removing items – i did the same thing a couple of weeks ago including removing my left sidebar, my blog loads so much quicker now.

    hope all goes well 😉

    PS. thanks for your comment on b2

  8. i donno knw wat to do…im currently using disqus for my website…guys if have any idea just giv me some suggestions 🙁

    1. I’ve been very happy since I dropped disqus and used the built in wordpress comments with some additional plugins.
      Namely commentluv,Twitterlink Comments,NoFollow Free

  9. You can also try IntenseDebate comment plugin. Which is another good plugin for comments. I am using it for one of my site and really love it! Have seen it for many other websites too.

  10. Good to see another site changing to dofollow! I see some comments on your blog are dofollow and others are nofollow though. Is it based around the number of comments made?

  11. I’m not a big fan of Discus either…. sometimes it’s best keeping it simple, and the native WP comment system is already pretty decent, and it can be heavily customized with some extra plugins (as you rightfully pointed out).

    By the way, that twitter box down there created by the twitterlink comments you mentioned, right? That’s actually a neat little feature!

  12. i am not geting your point… you are saying that you changed the comment system coz its not allowing you to “dofollow” but after you changed ur comment system..i am watching ur page and most of the comments are still “nofollow”. if it was the thing you wanted to do then disqus also supports moderators to change links to “dofollow” from default “nofollow”.

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