January 20, 2025

Why Should Big Businesses Connect With Their Users Using SMM?

The bigger your business is, the more it’s known amongst people. More people are associated with your brand; there are greater number of clients and greater number prospective clients. It’s more like a network of people, linked together.

In simple words, who make a superstar a superstar? What makes the top football players MORE than just sportsmen? – It’s the fan following. There are people who love them and hence they remain on the top. The same is the story of big businesses. They are doing well because they are beating the competition in the market and people love them. People are investing in these companies, and hence these companies should also invest in them – in terms of time and social media marketing.

Social media marketing moreover, has a greater ROI. The money invested is minimal compared to tradition advertising avenues. The returns on the other hand, can be trusted and long lasting. Smart working on the social network platform can reach great benefits and profits to your company. So, getting a good SEO company on board for strategizing will certainly be a good idea.

SMM if used smartly can bring the consumer on board as a “family” member – who offers suggestions, participates, and encourages company growth. He will stand and watch and talk to the company, for the company and with the company. However, what he will not like is your absence from a social medium. He wants you to be there because he “owns” your product and feels connected to you already. Then why should he not join hands with you on the virtual space?

Besides, the average user is “smart” with a “smart” phone to go with his “smartness”! In simple words, the smart phones are the latest technology that is going to bring a sea change in business. With users constantly logged into their sites and with all-day-round accessibility to internet, here is a market that’s set to boom. There are recent statistics, sited in December 2011, mentioning how almost 58% shoppers on online markets, have made purchases from their phones. And the most interesting part is that, these users are most active when it comes to researching for products, services and best deals. Almost 79% of these buyers had done a thorough research before they made their purchase. This shows that good SMM connections are certainly warming up to making a good path ahead. For a big brand, this is the “next” step forward.

Moreover, with the presence and opportunities with the social networks, the copy written by users is catching up quite a bit on the internet. These are more like user testimonials explaining experiences with brands. The customer feedback is of prime importance. People are more likely to trust their circles and people in their networks with criticism and feedbacks on services. Managing an SMM campaign is like balancing the already present material and discussion with latest updates and original content, straight from the main source – that is the brand.

So 2012 is going to be all about “original” content and “original” conversation on the internet. SMM – is certainly something big brands can’t ignore.

Priti contributes articles on various topics in a manner that is easy to understand. She works as a content writer with an SEO Company that has been offering Content Writing Services for the past six years.

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8 thoughts on “Why Should Big Businesses Connect With Their Users Using SMM?

  1. Pingback: Three Great Ways To Generate Money From Promoting Information – Informational Resource SEO Blog
  2. I do think that when people look for someone who can do social marketing you should pay attention to past references, experience, and track record. I have seen some friends really get burned by people promising things they couldn’t deliver.

  3. I agree the bigger the business you have the big chance it known by the people. Social networking sites is the best way to link to the other people especially those people who already brand their names online.

  4. I think small businesses can also benefit a lot by SMM. Big brands usually have a huge marketing budget but smaller brands got a somewhat level playing field because of the popularity of SMM. And I totally agree with the ROI part, vastly cheaper compared to traditional media.

  5. Social media is not ignorable part of business now. With Facebook IPO and Google’s search plus your world, it is clear that if you want to build traffic, you can’t ignore social media.

  6. Providing quality content is a very significant job of an SEO. I make sure to create a good first impression. White hat SEO is proven to be beneficial in the long run.

  7. indeed. i think that now companies should shift focus from the traditional way of doing things and focus on mobile seo and social networking as means of selling their businesses and products. it where the world is heading to and no one wants to be left behind!

  8. Quality contents are the best way to attract followers and if these followers find out that it is worth to follow this blog, they will do everything to follow it. As the seo finds out the reliability of using SMM for sure that they can connect more their blogs and businesses to their prospective clients.

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