February 16, 2025

5 Pinterest Boards For Awesome Home DIY Inspirations


Pinterest is a sea of possibilities for DIY inspiration. If you’re tired of clicking a promising board only to be disappointed, try out our list of awesome home DIY boards to inspire you.


1. Your Best DIY by Women’s Day


Your Best DIYis a board by Women’s Day magazine. Mixed in with recipes and holiday ideas is a treasure trove of decorating tips. Wood ceilings, sewing tutorials and new uses for things you already have are abound. Gardeners will also enjoy this board; indoor and outdoor projects are included. Unlike other Pinterest boards where you cannot be sure how well a project will work out, most of the pins on this board are tried-and-true favourites of Women’s Day readers.


2. Things To Do by katjao


Things To Dois a crafter’s paradise. This eclectic mishmash of styles and projects promises a project or idea for all tastes. Katjo’s style is fun, natural and colourful. Furniture refinishing and clever ways to dress up your current decor are tucked in the ranks of fun party projects and paper crafts. Bonus wardrobe DIY is also peppered here and there. Most of her featured projects could be done in an afternoon.


3. DIY Decor by Partise


More ambitious projects can be found at DIY Decor. Learn how to build a custom dog bed that will look as beautiful as your own, make easy yet unique window planters and even construct your own fire bowls. DIY Decor also features photos of impeccably organised rooms and before-and-after room makeovers to draw inspiration from. Get some ideas on how to beautiful otherwise unsightly aspects of a space, such as air returns. Ikea lovers will be pleased to find small “Ikea hacks,” ways to transform Ikea finds into visual stunners.


4. DIY Apartment Decorating by cheri588


DIY Apartment Decoratingis all about modern style and space-saving tips. Crisp, clean colour schemes are brightened up with pops of vibrant hues. Photos of well-composed apartments intermingle with easy tutorials, storage solutions and layout ideas. If you are looking for ways to incorporate bold style into a small space, Cheri will have a project or three for you. Her lovely photos of murals and wall art can serve as a springboard for your own creativity.


5. DIY Decorating Ideas by erin_behring


Repurposing and thrifty design are the focus of DIY Decorating Ideas. Erin’s pins feature unique, brilliant ideas that could be worked into all types of decor. Her collection of strikingly beautiful trash-to-treasure crafts will leave you speechless. Learn how to turn crates into an attractive coffee table, transform a bookshelf with a piece of fabric and more.


Written by Lachlan G.


Lachlan runs a construction business in Queensland, Australia, as well as doing mild steel processing. Lachlan loves DIY at home and spends most of his time in his workshop during the weekend creating his own furniture masterpiece.


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8 thoughts on “5 Pinterest Boards For Awesome Home DIY Inspirations

  1. Pinterest is the best way of getting the traffic towards your site and if your site contains a lot of eye catching images. Than it will gonna be the best option for you.

  2. Pingback: 54 Great Living Room Decorating Ideas
  3. Pingback: 5 DIY Decorating Projects
  4. Pingback: Home ideas
  5. Nice information post. Yes you are right the Pinterest gives so good traffic source to our business. And i hope the above post gives some good information on Pinterest.

  6. I’m also a big fan of DIY and always search around for helpful ideas like these before I start my project. The nice thing about pinterest is you can visualize what you are thinking about much quicker than other methods.

    Thanks for sharing!

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