February 5, 2025

Apple iPad mini 2 release date and rumors

I am not a fan of iOS or apple products in general. I like to not be walled into intunes. I prefer android for phones and tablets and run windows 7 for my laptop. But a lot of people are excited for the iPad mini 2 and to see if it will be ready for Christmas.

iPad Mini 2 release date, rumours, price and features (via The Inquirer)

HARDWARE DESIGNER Apple’s iPad Mini 2 might not be a real thing yet, but UK retailer John Lewis is already predicting big things for the tablet, placing it at the top of its Christmas 2013 best-sellers list. While Apple is yet to confirm the existence…

What do you think. Do you want the iPad mini 2 or some other 7 inch tablet? Let us know below.

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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