This morning a trailer for a new star wars movie was release. No it’s not the trailer for episode 8. Its ‘Rogue One’ a spin-off movie set in the star wars universe. But again we the strong female lead, and more of the Hunger Games hangover. It’s just another money draw by Disney. I didn’t care for episode 7, it was just a rehash of episode 1. The characters had no depth to them. It would have been better if Luke had died and Hans lived.
Take a look at the trailer and let me know what you think.
If you disagree about episode 7, watch this video they point out a lot of the issues I have with the movie.
I’m a huge fan of Star Wars, so I’ll probably end up watching it anyway…
I miss this movie :”( katnees :*
I loved The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Mockingjay part 1 and 2 was ok because no game 🙁
My wife liked hunger games, I’m sure the book was better. But the movies seem to get worse as they went along.