Everyone knows about Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and other well known commercial image editors, but did you know that you can get fantastic image editing results for free without installing any software (besides Flash) on your computer? Although online solutions may not have as many features as commercial products, they likely have more features than the average digital camera user will ever need. Here you will find 7 free online image editors that will help you edit your photos and other images without spending money and without cluttering your computer.
image source: http://www.annarbor.com/ When you’re moving to a new area with your family, finding all the resources you need, and doing it gracefully, can be …
This year I decided to look for a place to move my checking account to that would earn me little extra. Right now I use …
As the author of a bunch of books on Unix and shell script programming (most recently Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours and Wicked Cool …
Is anyone interested in Jokes? Should I add this module to the site? It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the …
Anyone ever had much success getting their patches integrated into their RIS images? We’ve always just used SMS to push out the patches after the …
Marketwatch: Microsoft buys VoPI provider Teleo. Ahh, this is the tool I saw at Demo and I said it’s a potential Skype killer. It hasn’t …
I had an interesting question asked of me today, and I had to spend some time looking into it, so I thought I’d share the …
A way to keep an eye on disk fragmentation over the network….Interesting. I’ll have to test this one next week. The Disk Performance Analyzer for …
Here’s an interesting KB that cements a great best practice for storage group configuration in Exchange 2003. KB.890699 talks about the best way to load …