October 20, 2024

What good are these numbers

Numeric examples of PageRanks in a small system.Image via Wikipedia

Here’s my Alexa ‘stats’

Alexa Certified Traffic Ranking for www.benway.net

Technorati has two different number


Your blog Rank: 868,767 and your authority 7

Google has their own Page Rank that some people live and die by:

I’m sure there are even more. But what good are these numbers.

Google’s PR is used by most people for advertising value, but Google has such strict rules. They use their PR number to control how you can link to other sites and how you link to advertisements, of course unless your using adsense 🙂

I guess it depends on the purpose of the web site. I do try to make a little extra money with this site, but I also just like technology and the web. I like to express my opinions and what I find interesting. I know I have a very small following and I’m good with that. I don’t want to feel like I have to post every single day.

Looking at the numbers above I just find it funny the variation in the numbers. I’ve owned this site for about 10 years and it’s always been some form of CMS or Blog. But I’m sure the fact that my links have changed format over the years hasn’t helped people find old information.

What do you think about your Internet ‘rank’ Do you care? Like I said before some people have their entire site devoted to increasing their rank. Guess that’s one of the nice things about the web, to each their own.


[tags]google, technorati, alexa, pagerank[/tags]

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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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3 thoughts on “What good are these numbers

  1. As PR goes up and down, it is hard not to feel like you are gaining or losing real status when of course it is made up.
    The real question is, does your site fill the need that you as an individual have for it? If it is just for ad purposes or to stroke your ego, you may need the high PR etc to get what you want.
    It sounds like you don’t need the high ranks. You are right in that changing formats is like starting over. I have done the same thing by moving to a new url last year.

    Tims last blog post..The Ultimate Redneck Bar and Grill Beer Gift Basket

  2. Pingback: Websites tagged "reblog" on Postsaver
  3. Well, the only thing I used to know is that the higher your PR is ,the better your site is. Guess what,I don’t even consider how does this”PR” comes from and what’s its standard.
    You data is interesting.
    Thanks by the way

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