October 17, 2024

She’s growing up so fast

IMG_1124My little girl is getting so big. She used the potty for the first time and she’s so excited to have a little brother coming soon (I’m sure that will change once he’s home) Grace also has moved into her big girl bed. She started out doing great, she fell asleep at bed time with little fuss and she’d sleep in until 8. About two weeks ago she started having nightmares and is being more difficult at bed time, wakes up in the middle of the night, and she’s getting up between 6:30-7:30, ick. Not sure what happened but we are working through it.

So far the terrible two’s have not been too bad. She’s to the age where she’s enjoying more things like Halloween and Christmas. She also likes to help out carrying things, vacuuming, and pretends to cook dinner.

I posted some new pictures of Grace on my flickr account. Time really does fly by.

[tags]grace, holidays, christmas[/tags]
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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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