October 17, 2024

Updated to wordpress 2.7

Since my other site seems to be running with no issues on 2.7. I updated this site to 2.7 tonight. Let me know if you see anything odd. This site is running Intensedebate for the comment system, that’s about the only big difference between the sites. When I get a little free time. I have a nice post about my new vista machine and vista media center.

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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8 thoughts on “Updated to wordpress 2.7

  1. hi
    good post thanks for sharing this . information is really informative thanks for sharing

  2. amazing good stuff. thanks for sharing this update about wordpress 2.7

  3. that is really nice article very information rich thanks for sharing this

  4. Looks ok to me. I've just upgraded to 2.7 as well and it went without problems. I suppose if you expect the worst it's never as bad. Just noticed the day after I upgrade there's now a 2.7.1!

  5. We are in the process of upgrading as well. I am looking forward to the additional plugins that we will be including. I just don't like the new editor set-up!

  6. I have upgraded to wordpress 2.7. The admin control is excellent. I am now getting used to it.

  7. I have also upgraded my blog to wordpress 2.7 . The admin control is excellent. A few days later I found that some plugins including the contact form have stopped working after upgrade. So check your plugins are working fine.

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