October 17, 2024


* You ever did the “Walk of Shame” home the morning after you “shacked” with a “random” you met at “The Stone” the night before!

* You ever attended an “Ima Party”!

* The “Malt Shop” was a frequent stop on your way home to the dorms after a night of partying.

* The numbers 1019 and 1021 mean something to you..(too bad they burned down, now Main Street is a little different)!

* Black pants or black boots were your common attire to “Ladies Night” on Thursdays at Boomers.

* You were ever busted for washing the Xs off of

your hands at “The Pub”!

* You have ever consumed multiple “Bellringers”!

* You have ever been to the Isabella County Courthouse to argue your MIP or nuscience party ticket.

* People you met on spring break trips bought you a drink and cheered when they heard what college you attended!

* You loved to go to happy hour at “B Dubs”!

* Monday nights in March meant getting drunk at the Wayside of course… those were “Mock Rock” nights!

* You have ever attended at Champagne Breakfast before tailgating on football Saturdays!

* You never miss a Chippewa Homecoming weekend!

* You have your name on the wall at “The Pixie!”

* You have your picture on the wall at “The Bin”!

* Thursday nights began at The Pub or Boomers and always ended in a long line outside of “The Stone”!

* You have ever waited in line for hours to go to

happy hour at “LAs” or “The Bird”!

* “Western” weekend meant so much more than just a football game against a rival!

* Sunday nights meant CFX $1.95 movies (or meetings for Greeks!)

* You ever pre-partied before a pre-party! Then

attended the date party, formal, or bar!

* You ever attended or hosted a CHIP VILLAGE

courtyard party!

* You never missed attending a Chippewa football game… however you rarely made it into the gates to watch the actual game.

* You vomited under the picnic tables at “Pops” when you were just 18!

* You ever stumbled home from a “Main Street” party down the railroad

tracks to “The Towers” because you were not able to find your way home!

* You remember the Delt Sig “Buffet Bash” in the


* You remember when Verve Pipe used to play in Mt.Pleasant!

* You used to have a special talent for kegstands,

shotgunning, and bonging beer!

* You ever went to “Oldies” on a Sunday night!

* You remember “Biggie Beers for a Buck” on Tuesday nights at the “Blackstone”!

* As your drunken voice screamed “You piss me off, you jerk, you get on my nerves….” at The Stone… you were convinced you actually sounded


* You challenged very old alumni to drinking contests while tailgating back when you were a student.

* You thought you were very trendy wearing your flannel shirt, jeans, and hiking boots to parties and class.

* You ended up marrying your Chip Village courtyard neighbor!(Especially after two apartments in particular had a long history of


* You ever hopped the fence to the patio at “The

Pub” because you didn’t want to wait in line.

* You remember the old Malt Shop!

* You had your picture on the wall at the old Malt


* You went to THE SAC was for working out and


* You remember “Bed Races” down Main Street during Greek Week in the spring.

* You knew the freshman rugby players were out when you saw naked boys running around campus and town with nothing but a red ribbon on!

* You ever “got ready” to go to “the caf” to eat because all of the hot football players also ate there!

* You know what the “UC” is.

* You correctly know how to pronounce “Anspach Hall”.

* You remember when there still were “OPEN”, large frat parties.

* You remember when the Dial a Ride trolley came around only during Homecoming and Western weekend.

You have ever ridden the trolley and heard your

friends names over the radio as the trolley made its rounds picking up the drunks.

* If 779-TAXI sounds familiar to you! And if you

know the owners by name… Ed and Wanda!

* You were easily served several pitchers of beer

with you real underage ID at “Pops”!

* You couldn’t actually study at the library because the fraternitys had study hours there.

* You remember the old library!

* You know the tale of the ghost Caroline in Barnard Hall.

* You remember when Barnard Hall and Tate Hall still existed.

* You remember when CMU had the “ghost walk tour” through campus the night before Halloween.

* You ever played “Spin the Bottle”! In the Theta

Chi house, Chip Village…

* You ever went “composite stealing”!

* You got a nuscience party ticket the minute you

turned 21!

* You remember when the bottom level of the UC was called “The Tables”.

* You remember when Mt. Pleasant sold out of kegs and pizza the night before a “snow day” was announced.

* Saturday and Sunday mornings were always

entertaining… you could look out your window and see several people doing “The Walk of Shame”… this allowed you to visualize who had “shacked” the night before.

* You are busted for shacking the moring after a

night of partying as you eat breakfast with your

roomies at “Stans” downtown. You parked in the back, used the back door, but see people from the night before with the same clothes on.

* You know how good the ranch tastes at “Lil Chef”after a night of drinking!

* The words Casa Loma, Douglas Street, Park Place, Franklin Street, Bellows, Edgewood, are all seem vaguely familiar when you remember parties back in college.

* You ever “studied” at the coffee house on Franklin Street.

* The SBX means something.

* You ever “freaked” on stage at “The Pub”!

* You were actually able to drink from Tuesday or Wednesday through Saturday… usually attending a pre-party, party or bar, and then “afterhours.”

* You ever attended “Regae Fest” the weekend before exams in the spring when you should have been studying…

* You ever attended a “pajama party” at the Theta Chi house.

* You remember dancing to “The Train” song and loving it!

* Written by three proud Chippewa alumni who graduated with a BS in ’98 and a MS in ’01!

See you at Homecoming ’02!!!!

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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