October 19, 2024

Search for Free! Search Server 2008 Express Announced

Looks like this could be a free option instead of the Google appliance. I’m still trying to tell if it requires SQL 2005.

Today Microsoft released a new Search offering – Search Server 2008 Express.  This is on top of the recently announced Search Server 2008, and of course Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

"Express?  Does this mean, like in so many other products with that moniker, that this is free?"

Yep.  Free. 

"So.. it’s scaled down, I bet.  Probably some limit on the number of items you can index, right?"

Wrong.  From what I’ve read, it’s pretty much the same product as the Enterprise version Search Server 2008 – only without the enterprise-class high availability and load balancing options that you get in MOSS 2007 and Search Server 2008.  Check out this comparison page for more details on the three main search offerings from Microsoft.

And here’s the press release that came out today, also.

Search for Free! Search Server 2008 Express Announced
Tue, 06 Nov 2007 17:25:24 GMT

[tags]microsoft, search, freeware[/tags]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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