October 19, 2024

Google Coop: 5 Steps to Build Social Search Engine for Your Blog

This looks pretty sweet, it sounds like Lijit but through Google with the ability to add adsense links.

**This guest article is written by S. Maheshwaran from My Mind Leaks
custom_search_sm Google coop is a customized search engine service. This allows you to build a social-search engine for your blog. Google coop provides you a control panel where you can start creating your own search engine and later collaborate with users to enhance it i.e. Socialize it.

Google Coop: 5 Steps to Build Social Search Engine for Your Blog


[tags]google, lijit, search, seo[/tags]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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4 thoughts on “Google Coop: 5 Steps to Build Social Search Engine for Your Blog

  1. This allows you to build a social-search engine for your blog. Google coop provides you a control panel where you

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