October 17, 2024

Five iPhone Apps Worth the 99 Cents

When it comes to paying for apps, many people are either for it or against it.  If you’ve spent $300 on Candy Crush lives you’re probably for it, and if you’ve gone years and years downloading only free apps it’s safe to say you’re against it.

appsThe app store boasts more than 760,000 apps and counting (and if you were to buy every single one, it would cost you more than $1,000,00!), and apps range in price from free to $999.99. It seems that custom mobile app developers are coming out with sweet new apps almost every second! Even if you’re a staunch opponent of paying for apps, there are quite a few apps worth the buck in your pocket.

So which five apps are perfect for the budgeted iPhone user? Check out these apps that are worth every one of the ninety-nine pennies it costs to buy them.


While the iOS 7 update definitely improved the iPhone’s bleak weather app, it still left out some features that should be expected from a quality weather application. One complaint that people have about the iPhone is that it doesn’t display the current weather on the home screen like Android does. With Celsius, you are able to do just that.

Celsius displays the temperature directly on the app’s icon, so it’s easy to check the weather without opening up the app. For only 99 cents, it makes a fantastic upgrade to your iPhone.


WhatsApp continues to be one of the most downloaded 99 cent apps, and for good reason too. WhatsApp is a fantastic upgrade to the iPhone’s messaging system, as it adds a host of fantastic features.

One of WhatsApp’s best features is that it allows you to share you location with another user, which can be great if you need to meet a friend somewhere.  Your friend can see you on his or her map, and even see exactly how far away you are from each other. Since WhatsApp is one of the most downloaded apps amongst all smart phones, chances are a lot of people you know use it and it will come in handy more than once.

The Heist

There are plenty of 99-cent games available for the iPhone, but few offer a more enjoyable experience than The Heist. The premise of the game is that you have a vault to crack, and to crack the vault you must pass through a series of difficult puzzles.

What makes the game even more fun is that there is a real prize waiting for you in the fault, should you be able to crack it. After you complete the 60 puzzles that get harder as you get closer to cracking the vault, you’ll finally open it and be able to claim your prize.


Figure is an app that lets you create killer tracks and melodies using only your fingers. Figure is cool because it’s very simple to figure out; even those that aren’t musically inclined in the least shouldn’t have any trouble making an awesome track.

Once you figure out the very basics of Figure, you can start working on more advanced tracks. Advanced is a stretch, though, because even the more advanced features are incredibly simple to use.

AppTools 100 in 1

There are plenty of apps that offer lots of value, but arguably one of the best value apps for 99 cents out there is AppTools 100 in 1. AppTools is exactly how it sounds; an app that contains 100 apps within it. The current trends in mobile technology seem to be showing apps that hold multiple use purposes, and this is a great example of one of those apps.

Lots of the apps in AppTools are very useful, too, such as a handy bubble level, a baby monitor, a pedometer, and a lot more. You’ll find that it contains tools you didn’t even think you needed!

Image credit: teamtreehouse.com

5 thoughts on “Five iPhone Apps Worth the 99 Cents

  1. I used to use WhatsApp quite a bit, but when it wasn’t connected to WiFi it was a little hungry on my network data, but other than that, a great app.

    1. It’s definitely got some great features, I used it a lot in Europe when on WiFi networks to share my location. It’s useful for meeting up with people when you can’t even pronounce the street signs!

  2. Some of the AppTools 100 in 1 are just plain confusing, and too many lack instructions. Most are easy enough to figure out, but a few–such as Baby Monitor and iFTP–really need a built-in help guide.

    1. I agree that some can be a bit confusing. But still, even with a few that might be tough to figure out, I think the app is a great value at .99 cents as most of its tools are handy and easy to use.

  3. There are many iPhone Application Development Companies that are developing apps which are really affordable for the users. If you will dig the world of such iOS Apps, you are really going to find the amazing apps which will serve the people in some or the other way.

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