October 17, 2024

Ouch, madden 08

I just played my first few games of madden 08 on xbox live. The first game I played ‘unranked’ so I could drop the skill down to pro. The guy I was playing was good, I was up 10-0 and he dropped. I continued playing the game, but it didn’t give me an online win!! WTF. Also what does unranked mean?

I tried playing a quick match ranked and got my butt handed to me the Dallas D killed me. I couldn’t do anything on offense and couldn’t stop the them. I was the Colts. I guess you live you and learn. I think I need to find more newbies or play offline some more.

If your up for a game let me know gamertag is benwaynet.



[tags]madden, xbox360[/tags]

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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One thought on “Ouch, madden 08

  1. that’ll be the way on xbox live for some time! I got ace combat 6 on the release day and after just 2 hours playing offline I tried it online and got pwned completely by everyone! grrr.

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