October 18, 2024

Great Christmas

We had a great Christmas this year. The weekend before we visited my side of the family. We spent three days traveling and visiting with them. Mr. and Mrs. Claus made a visit to Leah’s house and brought gifts and took photos with the kids.Christmas in West Branch

On Christmas Eve our church had a short service with communion. Since I just accepted Christ in September, this was my first communion. It seems fitting that my first communion was during a service celebrating the birth of Christ.

We spent Christmas day at home enjoying time with each other and playing with the new toys. Grace seemed more interested in Brad’s toys than hers. 

Melissa got me the monster icarplay 800 so I could charge and listen to my Iphone in the car. But its a FM transmitter and no matter what we did it sounded like bad AM. After looking online it sounds like all the FM transmitters suck. So I bought a cheap  line in cable and used the AUX port in the car. It works SO much better. Now I just need to buy a car charger and I’ll be all set for half the cost of the Monster unit.

Grace got a sled from Santa and after I snow blowed yesterday she wanted to go out and use it. I pulled her up and down the driveway, the packed down snow make it nice and slick to pull the sled on. Then we made snow angels and had a snow ball fight. Its funny when your playing in the snow with your kids, you don’t realize how cold you are, you just enjoy the time with your kids.

I hope all of you had a great Christmas and remember the real reason for the season, baby Jesus.

Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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