October 21, 2024

Need to get this off my chest



There’s a few tings that have been bugging me lately and I need to rant about them a little.


Google Apps (Google for domains)

I’ve been using the service for both my domains for about 2 years at first I thought it was pretty nice. The web interface was better than most website give you and with it I can POP my other gmail account,hotmail,yahoo, and Att accounts. But its just me who uses it so I don’t use any of the shared features (calendar,contacts,etc) and I have my sites hosted elsewhere because I run wordpress.

The biggest issue I have is that you can’t use your Google Apps account with any of google’s other services (comments on blogger,google voice, google reader,buzz,Picasa,google friend connect,etc) So I have to keep switching between my two accounts depending on what google service I want to use. Its getting to the point that I’m going to stop using google apps and just let my standard gmail account POP from my webhost. I’ll just have to check if there is a different in the amount of storage between gmail and google apps.

The second issue is sort of related to Google, its Blogger’s comments and default template.

I browse and read ALOT of blogs, whether its from Entrecard ,CMFads,twitter, or rss feeds I browse/read a lot of sites. I’m trying to get better at leaving comments, but I’ve about had it with bloggers comment system. First I have the issue with having to use my gmail account not my google apps account to leave the comment, second most of the time the comments aren’t even inline. I don’t know who to blame on this one, google for using such an awful comment system or the blogger for not changing the blogger template so it doesn’t look like every other blogger site or at least using a third party comment system like Disqus.

Third and last the iPad

Seriously people, will you by any garbage that Apple puts out? Its a 9 inch iPhone! I have an iPhone myself (Att74404v12-max-150x150[1] sucks, iTunes sucks) but the phone itself is pretty sweet. But to spend $600+ on a over size iPhone is crazy! Yet every major tech site and twitter is all lit up for tomorrow when these things go on sale. Most of my iPhone apps have been updated to support the iPad. If it had a webcam or a stylus so you could take handwritten notes on it maybe I could see the hype. This just feeds my dislike of Machead how they will follow Mr.Jobs like sheep.

Its little things, but they have just been bugging me for a while now, so I thought it would be good to get it out. I feel better now 🙂


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Jason Benway

Christ follower, husband, father, IT geek, and Xbox gamer

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8 thoughts on “Need to get this off my chest

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  3. I'm imagining you use google apps since your merchant or trader or something similar ?

    Perhaps you could try cocomment. with the cocomment system one is able to log in and out with a simple click through on a bookmarklet in your browser toolbar.

  4. Thanks for stopping by. I'm using google apps because I preferred the web mail interface features over what my webhost was offering. I'm not a merchant or trader, just a blogger.
    I've played with cocomment in the past, but it seemed like the service never got updated and the technology was stuck back in 2005.

  5. Gmail is the best web host interface I've ever used, but is that really all you use google apps for ?
    I think Cocomment is a superior system, since it dovetails to all or as many social networks as you like !

  6. I use google apps because I want the nice interface and want to be able to send and receive emails as my domains.
    I'll checkout cocomment again and see what they changed.
    Thanks a lot.

  7. Gmail is the best web host interface I've ever used, but is that really all you use google apps for ?
    I think Cocomment is a superior system, since it dovetails to all or as many social networks as you like !

  8. I use google apps because I want the nice interface and want to be able to send and receive emails as my domains.
    I'll checkout cocomment again and see what they changed.
    Thanks a lot.

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