Image via CrunchBase
Recently there seems to be a lot of sites popping up with groups of Entrecard sites to help you speed up your 300 drops.
Entrecard has always had the reputation of creating high bounce rates, will these sites only increase that or since its easier to drop on 300 increase exposure for sites?
I’m listing five six I’ve found to be easy and good quality, leave a comment if you have more or an option on EC
- EZ Drops
- In the Zone
- Drop 2 It
- Not John Chow
- I am Buraot
- 300 drops – Sabra Duffiney
Happy Dropping
Update: I just number six today and had to add it to the list
an aging actor oh so furious

Thanks for adding my page “EZ Drops” to your list. It is much appreciated! 🙂
Thanks for visiting. I really enjoy your EZ Drops and makes using
entrecard much easier. Could you at this site to your EZ Drop
I am going to add your blog in good faith that you will drop on EZGreatLife at least 20 times per month! 🙂 Thanks again! Take care 🙂
I'll do my best to get 20 per month. I have your site a a 'fav' on the
entrecard toolbar.
I'll do my best to get 20 per month. I have your site a a 'fav' on the
entrecard toolbar.