October 17, 2024

Reasons Why Should You Post Everyday

Here are some reasons why should you make your posting habit a daily one.

There is no rule whatsoever.

Blogging has a few rules to deal with, but none of them tells us the right time to post. We can post whenever we want! But, why daily?

Daily vs. Anytime

Let’s put it this way: Do people want to read less-updated blogs? Of course they don’t! People nowadays get bored easily and the best way to get bored is reading a blog post which is dated 3 weeks earlier.

Anytime for a blog posting schedule is a very bad idea especially if you want to have more readers and visitors. On the other hand, everyday posting is essential for a beginner blog.

More posts, more interested readers.

It is logical. The more posts you have, the higher your readers count will go! Basically, readers want fresh updates from your blog. Archives are a must, and you can look back to it for related old posts for your new blog posts. That way, readers will go back and forth through your site and your readership increases.

Daily updated blog = more subscribers.

With more readers, RSS comes into the picture. Of course, the readers want to see more and more and more. A daily updated blog means more visitors to your site.

Known fact: Content is King

Text content is particularly important for search engine placement. Without original text content, most search engines will be unable to match search terms to the content of a site.
– Wikipedia.org

SEO is an important element in the life of a thriving blog. With a daily posting habit, you also need to focus on the content of your posts. The search engine bots will scan through your posts and of course, its content.

6 thoughts on “Reasons Why Should You Post Everyday

  1. I agree with your Pardon that posting daily is useful, but might disagree on more posts= more subscribers. It's more of quality post and limited no. of posts…
    Also regular posting will make sure, Google will index your Website in minutes after publishing…

  2. I usually post once a day and try to post everyday, if I have a ideas for more than one post, then I schedule them over a period of days.

  3. There usually reasons why I'm led to certain posts… this one was good.

    I tend to not post as much as I should because I want it to be a “good” post. While I know that's important, I also know that I can come up with something of interest about people and their dog's off the cuff when asked anytime…

    So this post led me to think….. write it down… steam it…. post it!

    Thanks 🙂

  4. Really a regular blogging is plus point for every bloggery,but along with quantity,every blogger must concentrate on Quality of Article. If Content is King then SEO is queen

    1. I like that “If Content is King then SEO is queen”
      I guess it also depends on why you blog. If your just doing it for fun SEO may not matter, neither would blogging on any schedule.

      I tend to bounce between casual blogging and a light SEO blogger.

      Thanks for stopping by.

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